
The following is a list of investments made by Contrary. Excluded from this list are investments for which the issuer has not provided permission for Contrary to disclose publicly, fund of fund investments as well as investments in other pooled investment vehicles, and investments in which total invested capital is no more than $50,000. Past results of Contrary’s investments, pooled investment vehicles, or investment strategies are not necessarily indicative of future results. There can be no assurance that the investments will be profitable or that other investments made in the future will have similar characteristics or results.

  • Aether Biomachines

  • Airplane

  • Alloy

  • Anduril

  • Armada

  • Aryeo

  • AtoB

  • Brevity

  • Brightland

  • Candor

  • Carbon

  • Check

  • Cortex Health

  • Doola

  • DoorDash

  • Duality Labs

  • Feathery

  • Fractional

  • Hallow

  • Hook

  • Kalder

  • Knoetic

  • Kyte

  • Leland

  • Lightyear

  • Lovd

  • Maev

  • Memora Health

  • Modern Intelligence

  • Moment

  • Momentum

  • Nomic

  • NuBrakes

  • OneSchema

  • Orchard Robotics

  • Parfait

  • Patch

  • Pave

  • Power

  • Ramp

  • Recurrency

  • Red Leader

  • Replit

  • Roll

  • Rubrik

  • Secureframe

  • Sora Schools

  • Stytch

  • Sympto Health

  • Tava Health

  • Teamshares

  • Uprise

  • Vega

  • Vesto

  • Vise

  • Zensors

  • Zepto